The Constitution of the Universe

Excerpts from an announcements which appeared in the International press in Jnuary 1992
Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland 

In recent decades, modern science has systematically revealed deeper layers of order in nature, from the atomic, to the nuclear and sub-nuclear levels of nature´s functioning. This progressive exploration has culminated in the recent discovery of the unified field of all the laws of nature - the ultimate source of order in the universe.

Similarly, the ancient Vedic wisdom, understood and re-formulated in this scientific age by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Vedic Science and Technology, identifies a single, universal source of all orderliness in nature, and a practical, scientifically validated procedure to apply this most fundamental and powerful level of Natural Law for the benefit of mankind.

Both understandings, modern and ancient, locate the unified source of nature´s perfect order in a single, self-interacting field of intelligence at the foundation of all the laws of nature. This field sequentially creates, from within itself, all the diverse laws of nature governing life at every level of the manifest universe.

The self-interacting dynamics of this unified field constitutes the most basic level of natures dynamics, and is governed by its own set of fundamental laws. Just as the constitution of a nation represents the most fundamental level of national law and the basis of all the laws governing the nation, the laws governing the self-interacting dynamics of the unified field represent the most fundamental level of Natural Law and the basis of all known laws of nature. The laws governing the self-interacting dynamics of the unified field can therefore be called the Constitution of the Universe - the eternal, non-changing basis of Natural Law and the ultimate source of the order and harmony displayed throughout creation.

In the unified quantum field theories of modern physics, the precise mathematical form of these fundamental laws is found in the Lagrangian of the super-string and the N=1 supergravity theories. In Maharishis Vedic Science, these same fundamental laws -"the Constitution of the Universe”are found in the eternal, self-referral dynamics of consciousness knowing itself. This eternal dynamics is embodied in the very structure of the sounds of the Rik Ved, the most fundamental aspect of the Vedic literature.

This chart reveals that the two descriptions of the self- interacting dynamics of the unified field - the Constitution of the Universe -  provided by both modern science and Maharishis Vedic Science are identical, and that these two great traditions of knowledge, objective and subjective- modern and ancient - uphold one another and together rejoice in providing for mankind the basic and timely knowledge of Natural Law which alone is competent to eliminate all problems and to raise the quality of life in society to the level of Heaven on Earth.

First, the chart displays, from the standpoint of Maharishis´s Vedic Science, the self-interacting dynamics of the unified field - the Constitution of the Universe in the structure of the Rik Ved Samhita, as brought to light by MaharishiĆ¢´s Apaurusheya Bhashya of the Ved (Maharishi s Commentary of Rik Ved).

According to Maharishis Apaurusheya Bhashya, the structure of the Ved provides its own commentary - a commentary which is contained in the sequential unfoldment of the Ved itself in its various stages of expression. The knowledge of the total Veda -- the complete dynamics of the unified field of consciousness and the mechanics of symmetry breaking through which the unified field sequentially creates the manifest universe - is contained in the first SuTka of the Rik Ved, which is presented below:

The precise sequence of sounds is highly significant; it is in the sequential progression of sound and silence that the true meaning and content of the Ved resides, not on the level of intellectual meanings ascribed to the Ved in the various translations. 

The complete knowledge of the Ved contained in the first sukt (stanza) is also found in the first richa (verse) – the first twenty-four syllables of the first sukt (stanza 1). This complete knowledge is again contained in the first pad, or first eight syllables of the first richa, and is also found in the first syllable of the Ved, AK, which contains the total dynamics of consciousness knowing itself.

According to Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhashya of the Ved, AK, describes the collapse of fullness of consciousness (A) within itself to its own point value (K). This collapse, which represents the eternal dynamics of consciousness knowing itself, occurs in eight successive stages. In the next stage of unfoldment of the Ved, these eight stages of collapse are separately elaborated in the eight syllables of the first pad, which emerges from, and provides a further commentary on, the first syllable of Rik Ved, AK. These eight syllables correspond to the eight Prakritis (Ahamkar, etc.) or eight fundamental qualities of intelligence which constitute the divided nature of pure consciousness. 

The first line, or richa, of the first sukta, comprising 24 syllables, provides a further commentary on the first pad (phrase of eight syllables): the eight-syllable structure of the first pad now appears three times. The first pad expresses the eight Prakritis (fundamental qualities of intelligence) with respect to the knower or Rishi quality of pure consciousness. The second pad expresses the eight Prakitis with respect to the process of knowing or Devata (dynamism) quality of pure consciousness. The third pada expresses the eight Prakritis with respect to the known or Chhandas quality of pure consciousness. Together, these three padas comprise the first richa (verse) of the Ved, which represents another complete stage in the sequential unfoldment of knowledge, i.e., one complete version of the Constitution of the Universe. 

The subsequent eight lines complete the remainder of the first sukta the next stage of sequential unfoldment of knowledge in the Ved. These eight lines consist of 24 padas (phrases), comprising 8×24=192 syllables. According to Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhashya (Maharishi's Commentary of Rik Ved), these 24 padas of eight syllables elaborate the unmanifest, eight-fold structure of the 24 gaps between the syllables of the first richa (verse). Each line consists of three padas which, as in the first richa, respectively present the structure of self-interaction with respect to the Rishi (observer quality), Devata (dynamism quality, process of observation), and Chhandas (observed quality) qualities of pure consciousness. Ultimately, in subsequent stages of unfoldment, these 192 syllables of the first sukta (stanza) get elaborated in the 192 suktas that comprise the first mandala (circular cyclical eternal structure) of the Rik Ved, which in turn gives rise to the rest of the Ved and the entire Vedic literature.

This perfectly orderly, eternal structure of knowledge ”the Veda” has been preserved over thousands of years in the Vedic tradition of India. The complete knowledge of the Ved and its profound significance for life has been revived and understood in a scientific framework by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Vedic Science and Technology. 

It is a highly significant feature of our scientific age that this complete knowledge of Natural Law provided by Maharishi's Vedic Science is now open to scientific confirmation through the unified quantum field theories of modern physics. Indeed, we see below that precisely this same mathematical structure of sequential unfoldment of the self-interacting dynamics of Natural Law is now available in the mathematical structure of the unified field found in the Lagrangian of the super string, which represents the most complete mathematical expression of the detailed structure and dynamics of the unified field: