Artistic Expressions

 The Gayatri Construction of Para-Prakriti

by Robin Bradshaw

This painting took about 20 years to complete. On and off...To represent the gayatri construction of para-prakriti of Mother Divine, as per first mandala of rik ved.The flower represents mother Nature's intelligently creative potential to multiply herself, whilst perpetuating the original design of creator -- infinite organising power of natural law, in Veda known as Brahma.
Her mathematics of unfoldment are remarkably precise, all unfolding on the basis of 1-2-3 (the savitri principle) whereby 1 appears as 3, then by means of 2 to its 3rd power (2x2x2) which = 8, its creativity (1-->3) multiplies its intelligences (8 prakriti) to give 3 x 8 = 8 x 3 (commutative) = 24, which is the eternal rhythm of the gayatri . Thus, first syllable (ak = whisper of ag) by means of this agni and indra and all other powers (deva) at their disposal, its self-commentary is now of 24 syllables (aksharam). We can say: like a mother with eight daughters who each bear 3 children, who is now grandmother to 24. These 24 grand-daughters then each bear 8 offspring (Mother Nature being very fertile!), and we have 192 great-grand-children.... and so on and so on, each new generation providing a commentary on the previous. I have the enlargements on a pdf file, which any desirous may have for the asking. Students of Veda in Human Physiology, a discipline lead by Tony Nader (Nada Raam), can correlate the 192 golden bars (of waning and waxing intensity) around the outer perimeter with the 191+1(empty) main afferent nerves connecting to brain and spine. The stars and galaxies on a "Krsna-blue" night sky surrounding to remind us of immensity of Universal power of construction -- which resides in each and every one of us lucky enough to possess a human nervous system, and all its glorious, divine potential. Make good use of it. No credit accrues to me, only I moved the brush etc as all the maharishi moved my mind. By nature I am more draughtsman only, not artist. (ishwara-pranidhanani). The flower in one light is english wild rose, but in light blue of daylight I am told it is just so much like the himaalayan poppy.One businessman told me he had copy of it near the telephone on his desk and on one day alone he received five callers by phone who he had been wishing to speak with, but was hitherto otherwise too distracted to remember the action, for all the hubbub around, yet patiently they had been quietly in back of his mind. I said nothing, but smiled more sweetly than could be imagined... as Maharishi smiled on me, from close by.