From drawing to graphic
Maharishi's two-colour illustration lays out - in principle - how his SELF-cognition naturally fathoms the TOTALITY OF BEING in terms of its basic constituents or characteristics: The unmanifest, silent zero potential (= whole circle) charged by unmanifest dynamism (= cyclic) within it. His drawing presents the mutual and harmonious coexistence of two opposite values: the intertwined knowledge-structure of SILENCE and DYNAMISM (indicated by red and blue) in form of the SUKTA of the FIRST MANDALA (=blue) and the equal amount of SUKTA of the TENTH MANDALA (=red) filling and commenting the gaps between the SUKTA of the first Mandala. Sequentially graduated SILENCE is sandwiched in between the expressions of sequentially graduated DYNAMISM or – seen from a different perspective – there is sequentially graduated DYNAMISM sandwiched in between the expressions of sequentially graduated SILENCE.
It should be absolutely clear that none else than the VED cognizes the VED. Pure, unbounded knowledge alone knows pure, unbounded knowledge. Being the unmanifest and ever uncreated field of pure subjectivity in the form of scintillating cosmic intelligence, it can't have an observer from anywhere outside itself. It is this self-referral, cristallclear and absolutely awake state of awareness alone, that truthfully pictures its own unmanifest move as a continuous circular cyclical flow of consciousness with a texture of very fine differentiation. These are sequentially graded ranging from absolute fullness of expression toward its opposite in the zero-state of expression, from where it curves back onto itself to the state of fullness again. Eternally.
While quickly drawing this sketch Maharishi explains the packages of lines to be indicative of SUKTA, which in terms of the units of Vedic language means perfectly organized and perfectly packaged structure of knowledge, that forms the individual units of a Mandala and has synthesized the smaller units of the language of nature – letters, gaps, words, sentences etc. – into a bigger grouping and a bigger meaning as well. Alternating in blue and red color and in sequential progression, these SUKTA reveal different graduations of knowledge in terms of both the silent and the dynamic aspects of one and the same consciousness.