Maharishi's Cognition of the Avyakta Sukta

AVYAKTA is a Sanskrit term denoting the unmanifest unexpressed nature of the matter concerned.

Loss of knowledge through printing

Maharishi made clear that no one dare to print an empty page representing the AVYAKTA SUKTA. Simply leaving off this eternal reality of the VED means leaving off VED:.

Only with 192 SUKTA the essential symmetry of the FIRST MANDALA is maintained because it accounts for perfect balance of opposites. For thousands of years, only 191 SUKTA have been in practice without taking recourse to transcendental consciousness, which represents the AVYAKTA SUKTA. Balance in India, the Land of the Ved; was lost and effected the whole world.

Recovering the “lost“ unmanifest SUKTA - identical with the first manifest SUKTA - 
to human awareness

Maharishi's Cognition of the Avyakta Sukta

Avyakta Sukta as cognized by Maharishi brings to light that in the setting of a MANDALA, the circular, cyclical and eternal structure of transcendental consciousness curving back onto its own nature performs a self-referral loop, that includes all possible values from the FULLY EX-PRESSED on one side to the FULLY UNEXPRESSED at its diagonally opposite side.

In this basic relationship between complete 100% FULLNESS expressed by FIRST SUKTA to complete 100% EMPTINESS expressed by AVYAKTA SUKTA the cyclic flow of self-referral consciousness displays the entire spectrum of essential laws of nature, that handle the diversity and multiplicity of creation.

In the FIRST MANDALA that analyses all the subjective and objective values of creation and finds them to be expressions of consciousness, this gradual and sequential variation of reduced FULLNESS counterbalanced by increased EMPTINESS and increasing fullness counterbalanced by decreasing emptiness is expressed by 191 Suktas and one unmanifest Sukta (AVYAKTA SUKTA) in the middle of this entire range of possibilities.

It should be born into mind, that the FIRST SUKTA (fully expressed)and it's diagonally opposite AVYAKTA SUKTA (fully unexpressed) are the only Sukta that are identical both in structure, content, and function. All other Suktas express different values of the laws of nature in terms of different impulses of Creative Intelligence.