First Richa in terms of Yoga, Mimansa, and Vedanta

Unveiling the basic units in the sound-architecture of Vedic Language 

Increasingly refined levels of structural and functional analysis of the FIRST RICHA OF RK VED by MAHARISHI bring to light the marvel of Vedic expression, that expresses totality of Natural Law at each and every step in its selfunfolding and selfcommenting process. It should be noted that the Rk Ved is not an intellectual commentary on the fundamental mechanics of nature's functioning, It is an actual acoustic record of the total structure of the unified field and its self-interacting dynamics. This explains why the VED is primarily an oral tradition, a timeless tradition of precisely and faultlessly intonating the VEDIC SOUNDS with proper interlinking SILENT GAPS (Sandhi) at the level of transcendental consciousness and maintaining this tradition generation after generation. Transcription, translation and interpretation is given very little importance in Vedic tradition, The true meaning and significance af the VED is loctad in the VED itealf ac the non-creatad, self-existing immortal knowlege-structures of fully awakned. self.referral concriousness. 

1. First Richa seen in terms of YOG  (SILENCE dominated): 

KNOWLEDGE is UNITY, is the YOGA of Knower, process of knowing and known. 

In the merging together of these 3 basic constituents expressed as 3 individual PADA, the fourth element KNOWLEDGE is born by the silence-and unity-dominant fusion principle of YOGA. It merges the DIVERSIFIED STRUCTURE of 9 words (SHABDA) grouped by 3 steps (PADA) into one UNIFIED STRUCTURE, which finds expression as the completed FIRST RICHA. Seen from this point of view, it reflects the witnessing in COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. 

2. First Richa seen in terms of KARMA MIMANSA (DYNAMISM dominated) 

KNOWLEDGE and the preliminary ANALYSIS of unmanifest action-nature is KARMA MIMANSA.

A more profound structural and functional level will be brought to light by a higher resolution of the observing consciousness. As this stage, the smaller building blocks of Vedic language – the individual AKSHARA (letters) -linked by dynamic gap structures {SANDHI) come into foreground. Each of the 3 PADA consisting of 8 AK5HARA not only highlights letter by letter and in proper sequence the 8-fold nature (AHAMKARA, BUDDHI, MANAS, AKASHA, VAYU, TEJAS, JAL, PRITHIVI) of RISHI (knower), DEVATA (process of knowing) and CHHANDAS (known), but gives insight into the tremendous unmanifest dynamism between the expressed sound values of Natural Law. Seen from this point of view, it reflects the refined quality of experience and action in GOD CONSCIOUSNESS. 

3. First Richa seen in terms of VEDANTA (SILENT DYNAMISM/ DYNAMIC SILENCE)

KNOWLEDGE and the FINAL ANALYSIS of its inner action/non-action is VEDANTA. 

The vision focuses on the central junction point, within every gapructure, where previous 8-fold action has ceased completely, and new 8-fold action has not yet begun. At this unmanifest balancing point in the center of every gap exists the synergy of absolute opposites – total abstraction (silent ATYANTA ABHAVA) and its inherent wakefulness as a lively field of all possibilities (dynamic ANYONYA ABHAVA) breath totality of BEING as expressed in the VEDANT Sutra. At this conjoint level of PURUSHA and PARAPRAKRIT one knows to be the other, so even experience and action are seen as one Self – UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS.