Advanced Research

Discussion of Ongoing Research see

Introduction:  From Kriya to Gyan
The basic instruction to realize Gyan is simple. Only one word is required: Pashya (which means "see")  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  explained this July 2007 in a lecture.  A few month before Maharishi Mahesh Yogi departed from this world he emphasized the necessity of further research into Apaurusheya Bhashya: "Gyan Shakti - the power  of complete knowledge - to be fully 100% awake what is needed remaining is the intellectual understanding, and I want to devote my time to that. And that, in simple words, is bringing out the commentary of the Veda. I have not yet spelled out in complete clarity, from A to Z, the flow of the Veda in terms of the flow of eight Prakrit's:" Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, November 2007

PhD Research on the Neurophysiological Effects of Vedic Expressions

New translation of Vedic Upanishads, based on research in consciousness
In modern science valid knowledge stems from direct sensory experiences or from empirical data recorded by measuring instruments and other systematic procedures, which all use reference standards based on observations. This kind of knowledge is praised as "objective", while knowledge having a predominant inner, subjective basis is largely dismissed by science so that the human development is slowed down and life on earth is in danger. Yoga, the Vedic system of gaining knowledge through direct experience, includes procedures which extend the scope of perception beyond the limits set by the objective approach of gaining knowledge and thereby includes phenomena, structures and levels of creation hidden to the ordinary sensory experience. But most importantly, Yoga also includes the direct experience of Absolute Being, the ultimate and only reliable reference for complete knowledge, the kind of knowledge which the Vedas are declared to express. The question of how it is possible to achieve direct experience of Absolute Being is answered by the Upanishad sections of the Vedas dealing with knowledge (Gyan) in distinction to other parts covering organizing intelligence (Brahmanas) or Vedic Mantras (Samhitas). The key experience scrutinized in tie Upanishads is the phenomenon of the Self  or Self-Reference. Self-interaction as holistic phenomenon, should not be confused with neurophysiological feedback mechanisms, psychological introspection, mental reflections or egoism. Since Self-referral is the unique characteristics of consciousness, the Upanishads identify consciousness – the ultimate value of the subject - as the basis of complete knowledge. By taking into accounted the Yogic approach of directly experiencing consciousness, the Upanishads have been newly translated by Vernon Katz and Thomas Egenes.(2015):

The Gayatri Template 
Beginning with an overview of the whole tree of the Ved – the structure of pure knowledge , and how its compression into a seed form is achieved by the holistic structure at the origin, or starting point, of pure intelligence. The individual qualities of this knowledge, and its structure in consciousness, and the attendant nature of the intelligence within it, are appreciated in terms of a simple template - the Gäyatri Template. The possibility of a management technique to grasp it as a whole is suggested to confer awareness of unity between individual, his society, and the world, and its cosmos – the universe. The Gayatri Template is the ultimate management tool for conferring success in life. By Robin M. Bradshaw (Maharishi Aycharya Ravi Swamitra Yogi, Mai-June 2015)

The GayaTree Revelation 
In the GayaTree Revelation the gayatri pattern is seen repeated throughout the constitution of the universe’s natural law. Gāyatrī is the essential rhythm that carries from seed to tree and from tree to seed. The ten maṇḍala of Rik Ved represent the ten dimensions of almighty nature’s creativity and intelligence by which consciousness governs, constructs and creates the material world apprehended through the senses. Nothing other than the development of individual – and collective – consciousness can save the world from the peril of continued generations of suffering from lack of Self-knowledge - the Ved. By Robin M. Bradshaw (Maharishi Aycharya Ravi Swamitra Yogi, January 2018)